更好的工作, 更好的世界: Liz Hallstr和 of BW Papersystems

  • 凯拉Augdahl

Liz Hallstr和 goes above 和 beyond to support her customers — 和 her daughter.

作为单身, 全职, 工作妈妈, Liz sought a company that would allow her to better provide for her child while also aligning with her own family values. 在找工作的过程中,她遇到了 BW Papersystems 在威斯康星州的菲利普斯(美国).S.), which offered the exact stability 和 work-life balance she was looking for. She accepted a position as a Customer Service Sales Representative 和 has been able to support her daughter at home while also cultivating another caring family environment within the workplace.

Her favorite part of working in sales is interacting with customers, getting to know them on a personal level 和 learning how she can make their lives easier. She does everything she can to meet her customers’ needs 和 derives a great sense of accomplishment from their satisfaction.

“你需要有人站在第一线, that base that's keeping that rapport 和 that relationship with them, 和 to kind of give them that sense of security 和 trust that you're going to have their best interest at heart,莉兹说. “(你)尽你最大的努力去确保, 在一天结束的时候, that you have satisfied all the things that they need 和 have at least done to the best of your ability to make them happy.”

Liz is passionate about helping others 和 goes the extra mile to ensure her customers have what they need to succeed. If a customer encounters a problem, she is always there to provide support. Her positive outlook 和 demeanor allow her to empathize with others 和 see the bright side in every situation.

“通常,我会以善意回应. 这是我最看重的……”莉兹说. “If you can shine a little light onto their situation 和 just underst和 where they're coming from, 首先, 而不是让它降级, 我完全理解你现在的感受. 我也会感到沮丧. 我去看看能帮你做些什么.试着保持积极向上的态度.” 

莉兹有服务顾客的天赋, but that did not stop her from learning invaluable lessons through Barry-Wehmiller’s internal learning courses. While taking Barry-Wehmiller University’s Culture of Service course, she realized that customers can be more than just her work clients — they can be friends, 陌生人甚至家人.

“Culture of Service has been very eye-opening,莉兹说. “I feel like it's given me different tools to use in my day-to-day life with my work 和 family relationships — to think about things in a different perspective, using different lenses 和 underst和ing where a customer is coming from or who is actually a customer in your life.”

Barry-Wehmiller University was founded in 2008 to empower every team member to realize their gifts 和 talents, promote individual fulfillment 和 drive performance — but the classes impact much more than the individuals taking them. 拓宽客户的定义, 例如, has allowed Liz to better serve the lives she touches every day.

Courses centered around serving others 和 listening empathetically have become so popular internally that the 查普曼关爱社区基金会查普曼 & Co. 领导学院 现在在组织之外教授这些主题. 

During Barry-Wehmiler University’s Listen Like a Leader course, Liz gained listening skills that she applies to her professional 和 personal interactions with others.

“Sometimes you have to listen to get all the information,莉兹说. “If you miss a little piece of information that they already gave you, 好吧, 然后你要求他们提供更多的信息, but it's important to listen because then you can fully underst和 what they're going through.” 

When you listen to others, you do more than simply gather information. 真正的, empathetic listening makes a deep impact on another person’s life — it shows them that they are cared for 和 valued.

“在这里工作我感到很满足, 和 it just gives me this feeling of importance like I matter,莉兹说. “So, when I feel like I matter 和 I can make a difference, then I want to succeed. I want to make the customer happy because I feel happy, so why not help them in their situation?” 

Liz shines when serving clients during the workday, but her impact spans far beyond the plant walls. 莉兹每晚都把她的乐观带回家, allowing her to make a difference in the life of the ultimate customer — her daughter.


更好的工作. 正规博十大app排名 一个视频系列的设计是为了发光吗 light on team members throughout the global Barry-Wehmiller 组织. 通过上面的链接观看更多视频



Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your 组织? 查普曼 & Co. 领导学院 is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture 和 develop outst和ing leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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